Here are a few interesting experiments to perform which will lead you in the direction of understanding of the Huna principles

 1. The Power of Now.  All of us are barraged by thoughts, all day and night long. Our brains think thoughts, that’s what they do.  If we grab on and constantly respond to those thoughts with emotions, memories, arguments, and beliefs, we miss out on our PRESENT.   This first experiment in NOW is derived from Ekhart Tolle’s book “The Power of Now.”  In Tolle’s book, he asks the reader to close his/her eyes and think “What will my next thought be” then be like a cat waiting at a mouse hole, ready for that thought to appear.   Doing so pulls you into an awareness of the present moment.  It stifles your thoughts because your focus is now one of awareness and readiness.

My suggestion is that you take a grapefruit and cut one half of it into quarters.  Take one of the quarters and as you slowly peel the rind off it, think to yourself “I wonder what my next thought will be”” and be like the cat waiting at the mouse hole as you slowly peel that piece of grapefruit  (I’ve tried an orange and it doesn’t work as well because the skin is thinner and more difficult to peel and the skin on the sections doesn’t release as easily). As you peel the grapefruit piece you will suddenly notice many things about the grapefruit you have not noticed before.  You are in an aware state and not peeling automatically and subconsciously.

2. Focus on your breathing.  


 1. The Power of Now.  All of us are barraged by thoughts, all day and night long. Our brains think thoughts, that’s what they do.  If we grab on and constantly respond to those thoughts with emotions, memories, arguments, and beliefs, we miss out on our PRESENT.   This first experiment in NOW is derived from Ekhart Tolle’s book “The Power of Now.”  In Tolle’s book, he asks the reader to close his/her eyes and think “What will my next thought be” then be like a cat waiting at a mouse hole, ready for that thought to appear.   Doing so pulls you into an awareness of the present moment.  It stifles your thoughts because your focus is now one of awareness and readiness.

My suggestion is that you take a grapefruit and cut one half of it into quarters.  Take one of the quarters and as you slowly peel the rind off it, think to yourself “I wonder what my next thought will be”” and be like the cat waiting at the mouse hole as you slowly peel that piece of grapefruit  (I’ve tried an orange and it doesn’t work as well because the skin is thinner and more difficult to peel and the skin on the sections doesn’t release as easily). As you peel the grapefruit piece you will suddenly notice many things about the grapefruit you have not noticed before.  You are in an aware state and not peeling automatically and subconsciously.

2. Focus on your breathing.  


 1. The Power of Now.  All of us are barraged by thoughts, all day and night long. Our brains think thoughts, that’s what they do.  If we grab on and constantly respond to those thoughts with emotions, memories, arguments, and beliefs, we miss out on our PRESENT.   This first experiment in NOW is derived from Ekhart Tolle’s book “The Power of Now.”  In Tolle’s book, he asks the reader to close his/her eyes and think “What will my next thought be” then be like a cat waiting at a mouse hole, ready for that thought to appear.   Doing so pulls you into an awareness of the present moment.  It stifles your thoughts because your focus is now one of awareness and readiness.

My suggestion is that you take a grapefruit and cut one half of it into quarters.  Take one of the quarters and as you slowly peel the rind off it, think to yourself “I wonder what my next thought will be”” and be like the cat waiting at the mouse hole as you slowly peel that piece of grapefruit  (I’ve tried an orange and it doesn’t work as well because the skin is thinner and more difficult to peel and the skin on the sections doesn’t release as easily). As you peel the grapefruit piece you will suddenly notice many things about the grapefruit you have not noticed before.  You are in an aware state and not peeling automatically and subconsciously.

2. Focus on your breathing.